Thursday, December 6, 2012

Arizona - Dateland

We pulled out of Casa Grande and headed west.  Yuma, Arizona was to be our destination through Christmas...or so we thought :). 

It was afternoon already, but the drive was only going to be around 3 hours.  This gave us time to make one more stop along the way and still get there before dark.

Where could I possibly want to stop along I-8 in southern Arizona?  At a date farm, of course!

For miles and miles we drove through the desert and saw the, cacti, and sand.  Repeat...

Then, we pulled into Dateland.  An oasis in the middle of the desert.  A man made one with a store attached ;), but an oasis.  The palms were so tall and pretty. 

We went in the store to check it all out and get some dates.  Some of us really like them, some of us really do not.  The ones of us that like them enjoyed sampling the different varieties.  I was surprised at the difference in texture that they had.  Too bad the cheaper ones were yucky, haha!  The Medjool dates were the best by far, and the most expensive.  We bought a few pounds to snack on and also some of the candied ones to try.  Of course all the kids liked those :).

Dateland claims to have "world-famous date shakes", so we each got one for the road.  They were just so-so, in my opinion. 

Our curiosity satisfied, we got back on the road towards Yuma.  We hadn't reserved a campsite, so Dan started calling a few places to see what was available.  Uh...not really anything for a reasonable price in a park that allowed families (many of the parks in that area are for ages 55 and over).

We have a few basic things we try and find when planning our next destination...somewhere warm, somewhere new and interesting, and somewhere affordable.  Yuma was warm, new and interesting, but not at all affordable.  Oh well.

Now where to?

I feel like one of those infomercials..."but wait, there's more"...

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