Friday, December 19, 2014

Get Real

I try to provide nutritious, whole foods for my family.  I don't always get it right, but that's ok.

When we go out to eat, we indulge in special treats...fried foods, donuts.  At home, we try to keep it real.  Real food, that is.  Lots (and lots) of fresh veggies and fruits.  A little meat (preferably grass-fed/small farm raised), quality full fat dairy...but mostly veggies.  And you know what?  The kids like it.  They ask for it.  Makes my momma heart happy :).

Ya'll know I love a good farmers market.  One of the first things on my "get acquainted with Williston" list was to try and find a market.  There is one downtown in the summer months, but I found it seriously lacking in the fresh department (lots of home-canned goods and baked goods).  I dug a little deeper and discovered a fresh food co-op.  It's called Bountiful Baskets...maybe you've heard of it?  They are in lots of states, not just NoDak.

a typical week's goodies...via Bountiful Baskets

We are fortunate here...some places only get deliveries every other week.  We have enough participants to support weekly sites.

and yes, ALL the cold stuff fit in our RV fridge...tetris skills, ya'll ;)

***I just have to tell ya'll this, cause it's a really big deal for me...  See that diet coke in the fridge?  Yeh, that was mine.  WAS.  As in, ain't no more!  I kicked the diet coke habit, woohoo!!!  I'm pretty happy about that!  I went from drinking it daily (terribly, terribly unhealthy...I know...), to only having a rare glass of it when we eat out.  So yay for me, hahaha ;)***

Chelan Cherries, all ready to be blended into a fresh smoothie...

I didn't know what to expect, but after trying it...I am hooked :).  It's always a great bargain and an excellent assortment of tried and trues...and things we had never tried before.  Thanks to the basket, we now enjoy Jicama, Upland Cress, Mangoes, Radishes, Turnip Roots...the list goes on.  Things that we had just never thought to buy... good :)

The basket contents aren't known in advance.  It's always a surprise...and I actually like that about it.  It has made cooking fun again.  It's a challenge.  Hey, whatever it takes, right?

we also get breads and granola from the co-op...I love that every ingredient is a real food, no crazy chemicals

In addition to the baskets, there are cases of fruits/veggies available each week.  I have gotten peaches, cherries, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc.  Some things we just eat (lots of kefir/fruit smoothies up in here), some things I have been canning.  This surprised me!  I never would have thought that I had room or whatever to be canning in the 5th wheel.  Don't know why I thought that...but I was wrong.  I have canned and canned...jellies, fruit butters, sliced fruits, whole tomatoes, applesauce, many things.  I love knowing EXACTLY what is in the foods that I am serving to my family.

Well, ya'll, if you didn't know it already you do now...I'm a food nerd.  And proud of it ;D haha!  Do you have any favorite veggie or fruit recipes?  I am always looking for new ideas and I'd love to hear them...



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh wow! This was a pleasant surprise to see. My family and I are raw and it's nice to see other families changing to a healthier lifestyle as well. :-)

    1. Completely and totally raw? Now it's my turn to say wow :)! Ya'll are awesome! Maybe we'll get there one day...
