Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Simple is good

I wasn't sure when we moved into the camper just what we would do for our Christmas tree.  I didn't bring along any of our decorations that we normally use.  We really didn't keep very many, only the most special ones and they are in storage.  The rest were donated.  Anyway, the only thing we brought along were the colored lights that we strung up outside the camper.  Nothing else.

A little shopping trip was in order!  The kids and I (Dan was at work) went to town to see what might work for us.  The first place we stopped had the perfect little sparkly tree and matching wreath.  Ima sucker for sparkles, so YAY!

**Something neat --- our tree (you can see it in the picture below) is red and green and very sparkly.  We have it sitting on the table and keep the window open all the time.  Several times we have noticed hummingbirds outside the window hovering and looking in at our tree!  They must think the red sparkles are flowers!**

Our tree didn't need any ornaments or lights, the sparkles are enough.  It did need a star, though.  Ashlyn took care of that for us and made one.  I think it is beautiful, way better than one from the store :).

At the same time Audrey was checking out the wreath and decided it needed a bow.  So she got out her crayons and made a beautiful little bow.  So sweet :).

And yes, in case you're wondering, the wreath is hanging over our tv.  We never watch it, so why not? :)
I chose a set of window clings for our Nativity set this year.  The kids each got to choose something little to either decorate their window in their room with or to put outside.  Some chose gel clings for their room, some chose candy themed yard stakes to stick outside near the picnic table.

Back before Thanksgiving I spotted a little countdown to Christmas thingee in Trader Joe's for only 99cent.  I couldn't pass that up!  I like to do something numbered like that with the kids in the days leading up to Christmas.  It helps them to visualize exactly how many days are left until the big day and also how many days until their daddy is coming home.  Very important.  Before I put it up they were asking me all the time "how many more days", now they look for themselves and they are more content.  Plus, it's chocolate...nuff said ;).

Each day a different child gets to punch out a number and eat the chocolate that was in that slot.  The same child gets to choose one piece of candy from a bag to hand out to everyone else.  

Sometime in the next week we will make gingerbread houses.  The kids always look forward to that.  I would also like to do at least one other craft with them.  I saw a cute idea for sparkly snowflakes (here) that we will probably make tomorrow afternoon.

That's it for our decorations and what not.  We are keeping it pretty simple.  Simple is good.

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